5:05 AM |

I love the way she shows her attitude...her name is bunifa latifah halifah shalifah jackson...haha very funny..love her..

OK, so i just came back from our GPP meeting at orchard..I went of one of my friend and we did not know where wheelock is...so i wanted to call aisyah and ask her where is it...but we were in public....and if they hear me shouting to aisyah" hey aisyah(well that's not how I would start the conversation)....where is wheelock?!!!!!)..it would be so embarrassing...so anyway then we met up with nadene...and we discussed..our GPP...it turns out that I am the meader...oh I hate it...so many things to do...i so do not want to be the leader...but anyways...grace did not come....i so wanted her to come.....I HATE JC....if only I have a B3 for my english...I could have enjoyed my life in Poly...singapore poly...or nanyang so I can go to school with nazri...like..I can't change it now...damn..