Identifying smiles
7:48 PM |

I have a kinda long list of smiles you can do. Practise in front of a mirror and you can find out the different expressions hidden in it. For good or for sacarsm. Everyone of you has to be equipped with this smiles or know about it so that you won't be a culprit of some insult. Well this pictures is like copyright from Tyra DUH. Cause its so action for me to put my own pictures. OK let's begin.

Angry smile: OK this is my top favourite smile , I'm still practising this smile. There's a meaning to it. Its like you have to pretend you like someone...But you really don't!! So you want to smile because you can't be like rude you know, you have to be mature and professional. So that's a raising your eyebrows with a squint like smiling with your eyes but its less open than smiling with your eyes. and you smile ( mouth ) has to be like one side up one side normal. A tilt is what I'm trying to say. And your lips is thinner like you add more tension to it.

The surprise smile: This is like when someone gave you a birthday present and you don't know about it but if you do, you tend to not be surprise and the people who gave it to you intended the gift to be a surprise so you can't spoil it. So you HAVE to raise both eyebrows ( a Must ). And combine it with the wide smile and wide eyes. ( that's the obvious )

Smiling without your eyes: OK this is the worst smile one could ever have you do not want to smile like this and you do not want people to smile like this at you. There is no sincerity in it. (OK try covering tyra's mouth with your fingers and see the eyes and pretend the mouth is not smiling... You see? its like a dead face right? RIGHT?) And moreover, if you don't see like the muscles around the eyes and the cheeks move, it straight away means that he or she is not smiling sincerely.

Smiling with your eyes: OK this smiles sells products like duh. The one thing you must do it to squint your eyes and oen it slightly. You have to imagine that you are smiling so strong but the mouth to bring it back to normal but keep that eyes squinting. The back muscles of your eyes has to be pulled back, ( use your eyebrows to pull it back cause its connested to it ).

Flirting smile: Ok this smile is like when you see someone you like. But nobody in singapore would do this but if its like a fun shot you can do it. You tilt your body to the object or the subject and tilt your head down cause it naturally makes your eyes sharp and kinda smiling. and do a smirk.

The Commercial smile: This is the smile that you want people to relate to. So you smile with your eyes and your mouth but not too much teeth cause it tends to get fake.

Catalog smile: This is like the high fashion smile you see in vogue magazine.